(330) 412-3486 [email protected]

– your business is our inspiration –

“There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.” -Sam Walton

What We Do For You!!


WordPress powers nearly one third of the world’s websites, from small personal blogs to the complex sites of major corporations such as Sony, Time Inc., the New York Post, and NBC. WordPress is only one of the site builders and content management systems users can download and install for free, but it has unique features that make it the most popular content management system in use today. Thats why CasRay Digital Productions our clients the power of WordPress to make their sites shine.


Before you start promoting your business you need to know what your customers want and why. Good customer research helps you work out how to convince your customers that they need your products and services. By helping you research this will promote a more powerful user experience.

Unique Ideas

Don’t be afraid to try new approaches and ideas to generate more business. The smallest of ideas can snowball into a new bold business arena. The only limitations a client has are the ones they place on their own growth. Let’s try to grasp the new and bold ideas as well as embrace the tried and true ideas.